First Research Conference of the CEPR Network on Macroeconomic Modelling and Model Comparison (MMCN)
Special topic 2017: The effects of quantitative monetary policy in structural models
Conference organizers: Michael Binder (IMFS, Goethe University Frankfurt), John B. Taylor (Stanford University and Hoover Institution) and Volker Wieland (IMFS, Goethe University Frankfurt and CEPR)
The first annual conference of the Macroeconomic Modeling and Model Comparison Network (MMCN) will take place on June 19th and 20th at Goethe University in Frankfurt.
Around 100 participants from academia, central banks, ministries and the financial world, will meet to discuss accepted papers concerning macroeconomic modeling, model solution, estimation and comparison. A special focus is on comparing the effects of unconventional (quantitative) monetary policy measures within structural macroeconomic models.
The Macroeconomic Modeling and Model Comparison Network (MMCN) is a new research network of the Center for Economic Policy Research (CEPR). This network forms part of the new Macroeconomic Model Comparison Initiative (MMCI). MMCI is a joint venture of the Hoover Institution at Stanford University and the Institute for Monetary and Financial Stability (IMFS) at Goethe University Frankfurt that is supported financially by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.
Quantitative macroeconomic models play an important role in informing policy makers about the consequences of monetary, fiscal and macro-prudential policies. The Macroeconomic Modelling and Model Comparison Network (MMCN) aims to make progress in this area by promoting collaboration among interested researchers in academia and policy institutions. It provides a forum for presenting new models and model comparisons, as well as the solution and estimation methods underlying them, thereby enhancing opportunities for building on the work of others.
The organizers are very grateful for the support of the conference by the Foundation for Monetary and Financial Stability.
Published by: Andrij Stachurski